Nigeria Going Through Challenging Times, Pray For Our Country – Peter Obi to Muslims

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Peter Obi, the Labour Party’s presidential candidate in the 2023 election, has issued a plea to Muslims during this period of Ramadan.

He exhorted Muslims to use the month of Ramadan to pray for the country and implore God to lead it out of difficult times.

In a post on his X account on Monday, Obi stated that Ramadan is more than only personal contemplation, but also a time of solidarity and social purpose.

The former governor of Anambra State exhorted Muslims to utilize Ramadan for contemplation, to improve their connection with Allah (SWT), and to emerge from the holy month renewed in their faith.

He believes that people should use the spirit of Ramadan to foster brotherhood and sisterhood across the country.

“I believe that we will use this moment to pray for the nation in these most trying times, to guide and protect our country to lead us out of these challenging times.
“Dear brothers and sisters in Islam, as the crescent moon heralds the onset of the holy month of Ramadan, I extend my warmest wishes for a blessed Ramadan.
“As you embark on this sacred journey of fasting, prayer, and self-reflection, let us embrace the spirit of Ramadan with open hearts and unwavering faith. May the sacrifices of this period cleanse our hearts and renew our love for one another.
“May this month be filled with abundant peace, finding inner tranquillity through devotion to Allah (SWT), and resonating with peace throughout our nation. May the blessings of Ramadan bring you closer to Allah (SWT) and fill your hearts with the joy of faith and community.
“Utilize this time for introspection, strengthen your connection with Allah (SWT), and emerge from Ramadan reenergized in your faith. Ramadan is more than personal reflection; it is a time for unity and collective purpose.
“Let us harness the spirit of Ramadan to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood nationwide. Share Iftar meals, offer support to those in need, and celebrate the togetherness of defining the Islamic community.
“Promote peace and understanding within Nigeria. May the lessons of Ramadan – compassion, empathy, and self-restraint – guide our interactions and foster a more peaceful society.
“Contribute to the progress and productivity of our beloved nation. May the discipline and focus honed during Ramadan regenerate dedication to building a better Nigeria for all,” Obi said.

In other news, Peter Obi, the Labour Party’s (LP) presidential candidate in the last general election, has claimed that he is not anxious to become Nigeria’s president.Obi made the statement on Tuesday as he maintained that he is only after a functioning country.

Obi remarked in Abuja following his recognition as the ‘Leadership Politician of the Year 2023’ at the annual Leadership Conference and Awards.

“I am not desperate to be president, I am desperate to make Nigeria work,” Obi stated while adding that young Nigerians should be productively engaged in order to eliminate poverty and crime,” Obi said.
The former Anambra State governor also claimed it was a disgrace for Ukraine, a war-torn country, to send grain to Nigeria while Niger State alone could feed the entire continent.
“We have no reasons to be poor. Poverty should never be part of our lives especially in the North,” Obi said, adding that with over 7,442,00 square meters of land, Nigeria can feed Africa.
“Ukraine has no reason to give us grain. Niger State can feed Nigeria, Africa with over 73, 000 square meters of land.
“The two biggest states in the North-East, Borno with over 70,000 square metres of land and Taraba, are four times the size of Belgium that is exporting food. There is so much we can do in the country if we have the right leadership.
“The more you remove people out of poverty, the more you have fewer criminals,” Obi pointed out.
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