Regina Daniels Reacts After Getting Dragged For Repeating the Same Outfit

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Regina Daniels, a Nollywood actress has said she’s unbothered after fans slammed her for repeating a traditional attire.

Her fans had said that as a celebrity, the actress is not expected to wear a dress twice.

She had gone to Instagram to post some pictures from her recent trip to the village with her family, only for critics to criticize her for wearing a certain traditional attire.

Regina Daniels responded to the criticisms, stating that she had other costumes that she had previously worn and would continue to wear in the future since they were lovely.

She also stated that she had no idea that as a celebrity, wearing the same clothing twice would be considered ludicrous.

In her words:

In her words: “Okay I think I just learnt you cannot wear an outfit twice being a celebrity. What should I do lai dis? Because I have plenty fine clothes I have worn and will still wear o.”

In other news, Toke Makinwa, an on-air personality, took to Instagram to inform her followers about her choice to be offline for a time owing to personal concerns.

Her long message did not explain what occurred to her that prompted her to take a social media hiatus.

Toke Makinwa, on the other hand, confessed that she is mourning after suffering some losses in recent months. While she did not reveal who she lost, the timing of the occurrence was made public.

She wrote:

“Warning ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

Post is full of realness so thread carefully…

It’s like the timing sometimes is stuck in traffic. 😂😂😂😂

Life is happening to us all, I know l’ve been away for a minute, thank you to everyone who’s reached out, I love you deep. ❤️

This year has been mentally draining for me, while this post is not looking for your sympathy cos instagram is not real and we are all going through it plus you all know l’ve got this but sometimes even superman needs a day off and quite frankly I am tired of being strong.

Been too strong for too long in the words of MJB.. 😂

Got off the plane in January to news that a project I was so excited about was cancelled, talk about a blow, February I dealt with loss, as I grow older, I understand death more. March I’m dealing with more loss and one thing about grief, it comes in waves but through it all, I’m thankful that I can say God is Good.

My year officially starts in April, can’t wait to share all that I’ve been silently working on with you, I hope you all find the time to rest too. it’s ok to take the time off from everyone.

S/O to those who heard my silence and showed
up, thank you to the people who took some weight off, you know yourselves.

See you all in April, shit it’s in a couple of days. Damnnnn May??? I kid April it is. Happy Good Friday, ok bye”

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